Administrative Team

Fred M. Lynn's Administrative Team

Admin Team


Mr. Inmar Romero - Principal - [email protected]

Ms. Audrey Berryman - Assistant Principal, 6th Grade - [email protected]

Ms. Christine Powell - Assistant Principal, 7th Grade - [email protected]

Mr. Kelly Barr - Assistant Principal, 8th Grade - [email protected]

Mr. JJ Jarvis - Administrative Intern, 6th Grade - [email protected] 


Inmar Romero, Principal
[email protected].

I am truly honored and humbled to be the Principal of Fred Lynn Middle School. I am very excited to serve our staff, students, and families. I am committed to providing academic excellence for all students and maintaining a welcoming, positive and safe environment for teaching and learning.

I started my teaching career at Gar-Field High School in 2010 as a Spanish, ESOL Teacher and Teacher on Administrative Assignment. Then, for six years, I served as an assistant principal at New Directions and New Dominion, which is now Independence Nontraditional School K-12. Working with traditional and nontraditional students, I have discovered my strengths in developing thriving pathways for all students, including English language learners, students with disabilities, and gifted students, to excel in and out of the classroom.

I earned a bachelor's degree in International Relations, Spanish Literature, and Latin American Studies from James Madison University; a master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction and Multicultural Education from George Mason University; and a second master's degree in Educational Leadership in Administration from George Mason University.

I was born in El Salvador and moved to Woodbridge, Virginia, in 2002 to get an education. I firmly believe that education opens opportunities and is the greater equalizer in preparing our students for high school and beyond.

I am looking forward to continuing our mission of Educating the Whole Child for a Global World and leading the Fred Lynn community caringly and effectively.

Me siento verdaderamente honrado y conmovido al ser nombrado Director de la Escuela Intermedia Fred Lynn. Estoy muy emocionado de conocer a nuestro personal, estudiantes y familias. Estoy comprometido a proveer excelencia académica para todos los estudiantes y mantener un ambiente agradable, positivo y seguro para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje.

Comencé mi carrera en educacion en la Escuela Secundaria Gar-Field en el 2010 como profesor de español, ESOL y profesor en asignación administrativa. Luego, durante seis años, me desempeñé como subdirectora en New Directions y New Dominion, que ahora es Independence Nontraditional School K-12. Trabajando con estudiantes tradicionales y no tradicionales, he descubierto mis puntos fuertes en el desarrollo de caminos prósperos para todos los estudiantes, incluyendo los estudiantes que están aprendiendo el inglés, estudiantes con discapacidades y estudiantes avanzados, para sobresalir dentro y fuera del aula. Obtuve una licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales, Literatura Española y Estudios Latinoamericanos en la Universidad James Madison; una maestría en Currículo e Instrucción y Educación Multicultural en la Universidad George Mason; y una segunda maestría en Liderazgo Educativo en Administración en la Universidad George Mason.

Nací en El Salvador y me mudé a Woodbridge, Virginia, en 2002 para obtener una educación. Creo firmemente que la educación abre oportunidades y es el mayor igualador en la preparación de nuestros estudiantes para la escuela secundaria y más allá. Espero continuar con nuestra misión de Educar al Niño Completo para un Mundo Global y dirigir la comunidad de Fred Lynn con cuidado y eficacia.


Audrey Berryman
Assistant Principal
[email protected]

Hello Fred Lynn Family,

My name is Audrey Berryman and I am one of your amazing Assistant Principals. I was a proud educator for over 20 years. I taught in Appomatax County for 11 years and then taught at Saunders Middle School in Prince William County for 5 years. I also had the amazing opportunity to teach college-level teaching classes at Longwood University. My specialties are mathematics and reading education. I earned both my Bachelor's degree in Elementary and Middle School Education and my Master's Degree in Reading from Longwood University, and later on, earned my endorsement in Administration and Supervision from Virginia Commonwealth University. I also have my Division Superintendent licensure. I have 5 wonderful children and reside in Spotsylvania County. My favorite part of working in education is having the ability to work with parents to include them on their child's journey in education. My secret dream is to go to law school with a concentration in School Law.

Audrey Berryman
Assistant Principal


Estimada familia de Fred Lynn,

Mi nombre es Audrey Berryman y soy una de sus fabulosas Vice-directoras. Me enorgullece decir que he estado en el campo de la educación por 16 años. Estuve enseñando en el condado de Appomatax por 11 años y después en la escuela secundaria Saunders en el condado de Prince William por 5 años. Tuve además la fabulosa oportunidad de enseñar en la Universidad de Longwood. Mi especialidad son las matemáticas y la lectura. Estudié la Carrera de Educación para escuela Primaria y escuela Secundaria, además de la Maestría en Lectura, ambas en la Universidad de Longwood; más tarde obtuve la especialidad de Administración y Supervisión por parte de la Universidad del Estado de Virginia. Tengo además la Licencia por parte de la División de Superintendente. Tengo 5 maravillosos hijos que viven conmigo en el condado de Spotsylvania. Mi parte favorita de trabajar en educación es tener la oportunidad de trabajar con los padres para incluirlos en el camino de la educación de sus hijos. Mi sueño es el de algún día estudiar Leyes y especializarme en las Leyes escolares.

Audrey Berryman


Christine Powell
Assistant Principal
[email protected]

Hello Hornets!

I am so excited for another school year here at the Hive. I have the pleasure of being a part of the Fred Lynn team and will be the administrator for 7th grade this school year. However, my door is all open for all students and parents. I am a proud PWCS graduate and have been an educator in the county since 2011. This will be my 8th year at FLMS, as I previously was a social studies teacher here. I earned my bachelor's degree in History, as well as my certification to teach Social Sciences in grades 6-12, at the University of Mary Washington. I continued my studies at Virginia Tech where I earned a master's degree in leadership and policy studies and acheiving my endorsement in administration. 

I believe every child can succeed and look forward to a year of Hornets striving together for greatnses! Let's work together to ensure a thriving future for our students and communities.


 Kelly Bar
Assistant Principal
[email protected] 

Mr. Kelly Thaddeus Barr is an experienced administrator who has dedicated his career to engaging students and teachers in the instructional process in schools. Mr. Barr is a graduate of Francis Marion University and George Mason University with a bachelor’s degree in history and a master’s degree in educational leadership. After graduating from FMU, Mr. Barr taught social studies at his middle school alma mater before moving to Virginia in 1998 and teaching social studies in Fairfax County Public Schools. He then spent the next 20 years in the role of assistant principal and principal for three school districts before joining the Fred Lynn staff as a teacher in 2023.

Mr. Barr is an advocate for all students and firmly believes that all children are capable of success with no exceptions. He is collaborative, creative, fair, and compassionate. Trained in adaptive schools, restorative practices, PBIS, and MTSS, Mr. Barr strives to build and support systems to enhance teaching and learning across all spectrums.

In his spare time, Mr. Barr plays and studies chess, reads and listens to books on audible, travels, and spends time with family.


JJ Jarvis
Assistant Principal
[email protected]